Our front porch has three large roses. I have mentioned them in an earlier post. Anyway, I was reading when the new growth on the roses caught my eye...
They were covered with aphids.
Hanging out on the patio was now out of the question.
Every evening the hubby sprayed down the roses with soppy water, but that would barely dent the onslaught of the little bugs.
We ended up removing the most infected branches. I was worried that the sudden loss of limbs would kill the roses, but, they continued to grow.
This year we are planning ahead. We purchased 1500 ladybugs off Amazon (The hubby actually came up with this idea <3).
These little aphid eating maniacs are cost effective. $10 for 1500(ish) bugs.
So, math.
So, math.
Ladybugs are known to eat 50 aphids a day. 1500 ladybugs, 50 aphids a day, that is 75,000 aphids per day!
If you have ladybugs you wont need to put chemicals all over your property. Which is good for pets, kids or adults who like to walk around without shoes...
Even people who don't like bugs (me for example) are more than ok with ladybugs.
I put the majority of them on the roses, and a few of them in the backyard with the veggies.
The thing with ladybugs is...they wont necessary stay in your yard.
There are tricks you can do so that they are more likely to stay.
I have even read that you can attract them with raisins
Ladybugs eat more than just aphids. They will eat other soft shelled buggies. They are super neat, super cute, cost effective, chemical free (safe around pet and kids)...I believe that is a win win win win situation!
Share your ladybug story with me! You can also email me at ladybydayhomestead@gmail.com or find me on Twitter at @Ladydayhomested
Ladybugs eat more than just aphids. They will eat other soft shelled buggies. They are super neat, super cute, cost effective, chemical free (safe around pet and kids)...I believe that is a win win win win situation!
Share your ladybug story with me! You can also email me at ladybydayhomestead@gmail.com or find me on Twitter at @Ladydayhomested
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